Every individual in this world today encounters lot of problems. Problems are perceived to be a way of thinking by which most of our goals are comprised. Most of the people now, learn to live with those unsolved problems by which it continue to grow, dominate, and overpower our lives. Problems then become opportunities and challenge to every one of us. Problems come and go. These may affect us in a positive or in a negative way.
Based on my experience, I encountered compelling activities, stresses, sufferings in physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental aspect. However, I find it helpful because it lets me to conceal the deeper reality that lies within me. Since there were no permanent resolutions, exploring options and learning from our own experience, became very essential than in the actual solution in the present.
One of the reasons includes why most of us have difficulties in reconciling problems primarily because we overlooked the problems with our own capacity. According to Jerry L. Tally, every individual must have creative thinking which reverses and alters our perception on these different kinds of difficult situations. Creative thinking alone recognizes opportunities. Thinking creatively requires a mind shift to look "one dilemma" instead of "two goals". Without this kind of mind set, a lot of people were compromised and will then have unsatisfied results.
On the other hand, problem management needs to have a relationship among the individuals who were used to be antagonistic to each other. Mutual regard and sense of respect are very essential in order to solve a problem. Individuals can seek their solutions by establishing norms and rapport to each other. Once the appropriate norms and rapport were established, it is usually possible to bring all these individuals to a solution and to explore that these would be a great challenge and opportunity for them
Good reading your postt
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